3 Behavioral Analytics Delivered from Your Recognition Software

Workplace recognition isn’t just a perk that would be nice to have – it’s critical. Recognition is one of the simplest ways to improve morale. And improving morale and engagement can have a dramatic impact on employee outcomes – like how satisfied people are, how committed they are to the organization, and how productive they’ll beBut how do you know how much recognition to give and when recognition is working?  


This is where recognition software comes in: by providing a way to deliver praise and behavioral analytics that help you measure the impact of that praise. Understanding your employee’s behavior can help you answer questions about your culture and team - like what motivates them, what goals are being met, how satisfied they are and even what drives engagement in your specific workplace. 


Although the type of data that recognition software provides can be robust, there are three behavioral analytics, in particular, that stand out. 

  1. 1. Satisfaction  

Classic research suggests that building satisfaction is one of the first steps to improving your workplace. Satisfied employees feel valued, rewarded, work efficiently and do their jobs well. Compared to dissatisfied employees, they’re less likely to have high turnover and absenteeism and they’re more productive. In a workplace with low morale, leaders should focus their initial effort on building baseline satisfaction amongst employees. 


  1. 2. Engagement 

Sparking engagement is the next step to improving your workplace. As the same classic research suggests, engaged employees make an impact, learn daily, have autonomy and act as part of an extraordinary team. Organizations with high levels of employee engagement are twice as successful as their peers with low engagement. They report as much as 65% less turnover, 48% fewer safety incidents, and 41% fewer quality incidents. 


  1. 3. Purpose 

While engagement is an excellent level to rise to, the effort shouldn’t stop there. Employees that feel connected to the organizational purpose feel more than engaged – they feel inspired. Inspired employees gain inspiration and meaning from the company’s mission and leaders. They go above-and-beyond and aim to discover innovative solutions to problems. To compare the three levels, “If satisfied employees are productive at an index level of 100, then engaged employees produce at 144, and inspired employees score 225 on this scale. …In other words, it would take two and a quarter satisfied employees to generate the same output as one inspired employee.” 


While culture can’t be transformed overnight, companies with low morale can use recognition software to create the first level of satisfaction, continue rising to engagement, and then eventually purpose - an effort that will have a transformative impact on the company’s culture and bottom-line over time. 


When making a decision to improve the workplace culture and productivity through recognition, rather than announcing it excitedly and then letting it fall by the wayside in a matter of months, business leaders can commit to the effort by leveraging software that provides insight into how recognition is being delivered and precisely how it’s impacting employees, using behavioral analytics. 

How Real-Time Feedback Can Boost Productivity and Engagement