Communication and teamwork serve as the foundation for establishing successful business relationships. Whether the interaction is between a manager, colleague or customer, teamwork is critical to ensure everyone is communicating properly and working together to achieve common goals. Here are three team-building games that will help your staff learn how to interact effectively and become more productive.
* Build It Higher
The only material required for this game is tape, marshmallows and 5 spaghetti noodles. Teams of three or 4 work best. Overall, the purpose of the game is to build the highest structure only using those items. Teams are encouraged to work together and get creative with what they have. The tallest structure with a marshmallow at the top wins.
* Take What You Need
For this game, the moderator provides a roll of toilet paper or a handful of pennies. The group is seated in a circle, and the items are passed around to each participant with instructions to take as many paper squares or pennies as “they think they need.” No other information should be provided, and limits can be set on the number squares or pennies each person can take. When the entire group has finished, each participant should count the number of items they have. Then, going around the circle, everyone has to share a fact about themselves for every square or penny they have. So, if a participant took five squares of toilet paper, they would have to reveal five personal or professional facts.
This game is particularly effective at helping recently hired employees integrate into the group. It encourages bonding, honesty and communication while helping the participants understand more about their colleagues.
* Do You See What I See?
This game is best suited for existing departments or teams. A team member is chosen to hold up a sheet of paper with various shapes on it. With their back to the rest of the group, the participant describes each shape while everyone else tries to recreate the various forms based on their own interpretation of the description. When completed, participants display their drawings and compare them to the originals. In most instances, the accuracy of the drawings will vary widely, and some may be quite strange looking. In addition to the humor involved in the exercise, everyone will become more aware of the importance of accurate communication and how easy it is to misinterpret words, descriptions and instructions.
The Benefit of Team Games
In many instances, developing teamwork and effective communication must be fostered through regular practice and positive reinforcement. Research consistently demonstrates that participating in group games and exercises improves employee communication and motivation, which helps create a happier and more productive work environment.
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