Employee recognition means a lot of different things to many companies. It could be verbal praise and telling a staff member they’re doing a great job. It could be a physical reward or gift that expresses gratitude for the efforts of a team member. Employee recognition could also be an award given to congratulate achievement.
No matter what employee recognition means to a company, there is always room for more! Here are some ways Levy Recognition can help companies do more with employee recognition.
Recognition Programs
A recent study by WorldatWork revealed that 65 percent of companies are doing more with recognition than they did three years ago. It’s proven that incentive programs:
- Increase the frequency of positive behaviors by 22 percent
- Increase sales and deal closing rates by 20 percent when companies invest in employee incentives
- Reduce turnover by 13 percent compared to programs with no employee recognition program
Employee recognition programs can help businesses with many of their growth objectives. Having an engaging program that rewards performance is part of building a healthy workplace culture. Whether the business’s goal is to recognize employees for their years of service, develop a peer-to-peer program that allows the entire organization to recognize one and other at every level, or build an on-the-spot recognition program that focuses on rewarding individuals as soon as they do something great, Levy Recognition can help.
We offer cloud-based solutions that can be customized to suit the recognition needs of any business. Our programs bring every aspect of employee recognition into one easy-to-use system. Employee recognition programs help organizations to do more by:
- Fostering employee connections
- Inspiring loyalty to the company
- Inspiring collaboration and supporting innovative ideas
- Boosting productivity and the quality of work
- Improving customer service and retention
Rewards and Branded Merchandise
Employee recognition doesn’t stop at sending an on-the-spot card or posting congratulations to our web-based platform. Do more with recognition by giving employees the option to choose their rewards. Our merchandise collection features popular brands and must-have products. Employee recognition programs allow employees to earn points and work towards rewards they want!
Successful rewards can engage, inspire, and develop relationships. They give employees something to set goals for and look forward to earning. They create long-lasting memories and establish fulfilling emotions. Levy Recognition helps businesses build programs from start to finish and offer merchandise that is valuable to employees at every level.
Branded merchandise can go a long way to remind an employee that they are a valued part of a team. Life stage is an essential part of selecting branded merchandise awards. Life stage looks at the different phases in life: single, married, parent of young adult children, empty nester. Every program needs the right awards to engage and inspire its participants. Our merchandise programs can help companies to put together recognition gifts and rewards for employees at every stage of their lives and employment. Businesses can use branded merchandise to recognize more than just what an employee is doing in the workplace. We can help companies put together merchandise gifts that recognize marriage, the purchase of a new home, the birth of a baby, or the adoption of a new pet. There are so many creative reasons to recognize!
Custom Awards
Employees who are working hard deserve to be recognized in front of their peers and given a token of appreciation that they can display in their homes or offices. Custom awards help companies do more to commemorate a job well done. Corporate awards take employee appreciation to a new level. They demonstrate to employees that their everyday achievements are noticed and appreciated.
Our process is simple. We offer a variety of stock and custom options to satisfy the recognition needs of any company. Our designers take a company’s brand, logo, and the type of award into account when coming up with custom award design ideas. Our team of production associates assembles the chosen award design. We offer custom packaging and several different shipping options that allow us to ship custom awards all over the world.
Shadow boxes, crystal awards, plaques, acrylic awards, wooden bases, metal bases, the options are endless. Let’s work together to highlight the moments and accomplishments of employees everywhere!
Companies everywhere are benefiting from using several employee recognition techniques. Having an employee recognition program can help create a happier, healthier workplace. At Levy Recognition, we believe that recognition inspires others to work harder and achieve greater things. We’re here to help you do more with your recognition programs. Download our Capabilities Statement to see the services and products we offer to help businesses do more with their employee recognition programs!