Project World Health is a student-run organization at the University of South Florida’s Morsani College of Medicine. They conduct a medical trip to the Dominican Republic every year; relying solely on contributions from the community to fund their medical supplies and trip fees. All participants are volunteers. The Annual Golf Tournament is a one of their largest fundraisers.
Levy Recognition was a sponsor at the 2016 golf tournament, providing the awards. The tournament was played in teams of four, with the foursome with the lowest score winning. Awards were presented for first, second, and third place, as well as for Longest Drive and Closest to the Pin.
Levy jumped at the chance to not only sponsor the event, but participate. One of our account executives, Jared Fleet, attended the event, along with 60 other members of the community. This year’s event was held at The Eagles Golf Club in Odessa and was a day full of golf and laughter.
The 2016 Annual Golf Tournament raised over four thousand dollars! The proceeds will be used towards the purchase of medical supplies and to send volunteers – including physicians, nurses, pharmacists, dentists, and medical students – on this year’s mission trip.
The first-place winners clutching their trophies after the 2016 Project World Health Gold Tournament. From left to right, Tyler Stutzman, Alec Freling, Yohan Perera, and Tyag Patel. All are second year medical students at the University South Florida Morsani College of Medicine.
The second place winners were representatives from Bay Area Retina Consultants.
Third place winners were representatives from Fast Track Urgent Care Center.
Thank you to the other sponsors and to the Project World Health organization at USF; we find the students’ drive for making a difference in the world inspiring and hope it continues.
Project World Health’s next mission trip is February 27; you can learn more about the organization and donate to their cause on their website at The students and the entire organization appreciate the generosity of the community in aiding their overall mission of providing support to an underserved area of the world.