The Levy Weekly Roundup features a list of the best content and news in the industry to help you build stronger teams and culture. We've compiled some of our favorite reads to help you stay up to date and in the know on what is going on in workplaces around the world.
So grab a cup of coffee, and sit back and read
1. A Guide to Overcoming Obstacles In Work and Life
In life and in work there are many obstacles we have to overcome, this is a great guide to starting that process.
2. How to Foster Better Working Relationships Even When You're Quarantined
Just because we all have to stay home, doesn't mean that our socializing should stop. As leaders, we want to create a remote environment that fosters relationships to keep our team engaged and collaborating.
3. Employers Need to Have a Game Plan Now for Returning to Work After Coronavirus
The day will come, we don't know when, but it will come. Now is the time to prepare and create our game plan to adapt to the new normal that will be here.
4. Will Remote Work Continue Post-Pandemic?
What will the new normal look like after this pandemic passes? Will remote work continue or will everything go back to how it was?
5. How to Win the War for Talent
The talent war is getting more fierce and many companies are facing the challenge of recruitment. This article talked about what it takes to attract top talent.