Recognition comes in all shapes and sizes, just like the accomplishments you’re praising.
Recognition impacts every person at a company; not just the ones receiving the award. Giving custom awards helps play into your company culture and creates a motivated work atmosphere.
Levy Recognition specializes in recognition. We make it easier for you to award employees impacting your organization daily. Triumphs are happening around you constantly; we’re here to help you celebrate them.
There are a plethora of options for your custom corporate award needs, so we’ve established a guide to help you through the process:
- Decide the Need for the Award
You decided to pursue a custom award for a specific reason, what is it?
Is it a sales award, a performance award, a retirement gift? Would you like it to be a monthly recognition program for your employees or is this a special award associated with a specific project?
Perpetual plaques allow for awards to be displayed in the office year-round and for names to be added as individuals are recognized for their contributions. Recurring custom awards create a specific accolade within your company, like the Perdue Performance Excellence Award which is bestowed upon a select number of employees annually.
Focus on your company and what recognition path would have the most impact for it.
2. Materials
Your material options are almost endless. Browse through our portfolio for some inspiration.
Some options are acrylic, glass, crystal or wood awards. You can also mix and match these mediums, have a 2D or 3D sculpture. Custom medallions and medals, or custom pieces, such as the key the City of Tampa chose, are also available.
Is there a symbol at the core of your brand? Like the McDonalds “M” Caspers centered on for their management awards or the fries Checkers chose to incorporate. Do you have company colors your employees would connect with? These symbols and aspects of your brand give you, and our designers, a jumping-off point for what’s important.
3. Decide on a Budget and Plan Ahead
Depending on the materials and design you’ve imagined, your lead times will vary. Custom corporate awards do have longer lead times. We are creating one-of-a-kind awards for you; in some cases, molds will be made, medals will be plated, pieces need to be cut, lasered, and sandblasted; the manufacturing process differs for every award we produce.
4. Don’t be overwhelmed
This is what we do. We’re here to help guide you. Whether you have a vision of what you desire for your final custom piece, or you only know what recognition void you want the award to fill, our staff is here to help create designs, send you proofs, and help whittle away all of the options.
Our design team can work with your budget and goal of your award to create the perfect piece for your recognition needs.