We’ve been through a lot in the last year. If you are looking to create some awards in 2021, why not use this past year as inspiration when creating your award names? Whether you want to recognize genuinely great work or share a laugh with your colleagues, we have you covered in today’s list of fun award ideas for 2021.
How To Brainstorm Award Ideas For Your Company In 2021
We’ve wracked our brains to share some fantastic ideas that you and your team can steal. What if our ideas don’t resonate with your team? Here are some strategies to brainstorm award ideas:
● Observe your day-to-day life at work now. What stands out to you? What keeps happening around you that might be specific to your industry or job? Think about how to translate that into award ideas.
● Ask your colleagues what life’s been like at work this year. What stood out to them? Who helped them cope with what’s happening in the world and at work? How does this year track versus what happened pre-pandemic?
○ If your company uses recognition software like Levy Recognition, dive into past comments to see what themes you can spot.
● Browse award ideas. What have other companies done? What can you emulate in a unique way?
10 Fun Award Ideas For 2021
Now that you understand how to come up with award ideas, let’s dive into the list we’ve come up with for 2021.
1. Best Work From Home Office Space/Wardrobe
Are you crushing on someone’s WFH digs or wardrobe? Consider giving them the Best Work From Home Office Space/Wardrobe award. Let these employees know that the whole office sees their amazing interior design or fashion skills right now.
2. Most Likely To Be Muted/Unmuted
You’ve probably heard, “I think you’re muted,” or “Can you mute yourself?” a million times this year. Recognize the employees who aren’t anticipating their turn or forget to mute by giving them this funny award.
3. Best In Slack
We all know that person who is just great at communication, using fun gifs, and making sure that messages don’t get buried. Celebrate those employees who just get communication in today’s digital age.
4. Most Likely To Be Late
We are meeting digitally, but there’s always one person who manages to stroll into the group Zoom meeting behind schedule. Give them this award, and maybe a watch?
5. Best Guest
Our children and pets have become a regular part of the background of our work this past year. If one of your coworkers had a BBC guest moment, don’t forget to thank them for the cute moments they’ve given the team.
6. The Socialite
Do you have an employee who is always in back-to-back meetings? Let them know how much you appreciate their time with The Socialite award.
7. Considerate Coworker
This award goes out to the coworkers who made time to check in even when everyone worked from home. It’s so easy to get siloed and forget to check-in, but these coworkers make time.
8. Most Creative Pandemic Hobby
With so much time to use, people pick up interesting new hobbies like unique instruments and weird crochet projects. Whatever your employees are picking up due to the pandemic, award employees who pick up the most creative hobbies.
9. Sunshine/Positivity
We’ve been through a lot of gloom lately, but some employees can brighten any day. Don’t forget to let those employees know how much their smiles and kindness mean to your team.
10. We Can See Your Screen
Yes, we can see your screen. Give this to the employee who still is a bit shaky on how Zoom screen sharing works (or the person who has a million tabs open!)
Conclusion: Work From Home Awards Can be Fun
There are many unique and fun awards you can give to your team members. You don’t have to create bland, cookie-cutter awards to celebrate your team. Your team is resilient and fun, so giving them awards that showcase that.
Do you need some help bringing your fun awards to life? Check out our bustling custom awards catalog for more information on how to turn your awards into #TrophyGoals!