The Dangers of Employee Burnout Burnout is the exhaustion of physical, or emotional strength or motivation, usually as a result of prolonged stress or frustration. Burnout often strikes when an employee has spent far too much time i... Company Culture Employee Appreciation Employee Empowerment Aug 29, 2019
5 Ways to Screw Up Employee Recognition Employee recognition is an integral part of improving company culture and overall company bottom line. Several studies have shown that giving incentives and recognition in the workplace has many benef... Company Culture Employee Appreciation Employee Recognition Motivation Recognition Programs Aug 22, 2019
Is Your Recognition Program Buzz Worthy? You’ve put the time and money into creating your company’s employee recognition program . It’s time to get it off the ground and implement it in the workplace. It’s exciting, and you’re ready for your... Company Culture Company Fun Employee Recognition Recognition Programs Jul 3, 2019
Diversity Isn't Enough: The Workplace Needs Inclusion Inclusion in the workplace is more than just a hot topic or trend. It is a practice that needs to put into action. Not only is creating an inclusive workplace environment the right thing to do, but it... Company Culture Diversity Employee Appreciation Employee Empowerment Inclusion Jun 27, 2019
The Value of Peer Recognition in the Workplace While top-down recognition is the most popular form of recognition, do not underestimate the power of peer-to-peer acknowledgment. Employees who receive recognition from a manager show feelings of gra... Company Culture Employee Relationships Motivation Peer-to-Peer Recognition Recognition Programs Mar 26, 2019
Employee Recognition and Productivity Dear Levy, My company is starting to see a lot of employee turnover. Some of our most talented employees are beginning to check out and be unproductive. We recently eliminated the use of recognition a... Ask Levy Company Culture Employee Recognition Employee Retention Feb 8, 2019
Inspiring Employees Dear Levy, My employees do great work and never seem to slack. They are hardly ever late to work; however, they make a point to leave within seconds of the official quitting time every day. Regardless... Ask Levy Company Culture Employee Engagement Jan 9, 2019
How to Recognize Remote Employees You have a great company with great people working to help achieve business goals. Your company spans over several locations and several of your employees are working from remote areas in cities acros... Company Culture Employee Recognition Dec 27, 2018
How to Calculate Return on Investment from Your Recognition Program Now that you have the support of company leaders and have been given permission to start an employee recognition program, you’re probably tasked with proving to your higher ups that the program is wor... Company Culture Employee Recognition Employee Retention Recognition Programs Dec 13, 2018
Difference Between Employee Engagement and Employee Recognition Dear Levy, I was speaking to a colleague about ways to improve our workplace culture. She suggested more employee engagement activities. I suggested more employee recognition. Is there a difference? I... Ask Levy Company Culture Employee Engagement Employee Recognition Dec 7, 2018
Why Your Employees are Disengaged Employee disengagement is something all employers fear. Having a workforce that is uninvolved and unproductive can be damaging to the company’s bottom line. When employees are disengaged, they are not... Company Culture Employee Engagement Motivation Nov 29, 2018
Three Reasons to Invest in Employee Recognition Is employee recognition something that your company prioritizes daily or are employee achievements celebrated every now and then? Often, businesses struggle with knowing when and how to recognize thei... Company Culture Employee Recognition Nov 7, 2018