Recognition Revival Dear Levy, We have been running the same employee recognition program for years. It seems to have gotten a little stale and our employees just aren’t responding to it anymore. What new, fresh ideas ca... Ask Levy Employee Recognition Recognition Programs Oct 16, 2018
Is Cash King? Dear Levy, A lot of businesses are using non-monetary rewards to recognize their employees. I like the practice, but our company has always given monetary rewards through bonuses, gift cards, and even... Ask Levy Employee Recognition Recognition Programs Oct 4, 2018
Budget Friendly Recognition Dear Levy, As a small business owner, I’m on a tight budget. Many of my employees are top performers and deserve recognition. I know a lot of bigger businesses give cash rewards and bonuses. However, ... Ask Levy Employee Recognition Recognition Programs Oct 2, 2018
Motivating Sales Dear Levy, Our sales team is struggling to stay focused. They are doing a good job, but losing stamina and seem to be in a rut. What can sales teams do to stay motivated in tough selling environments?... Ask Levy Motivation Sep 27, 2018
Recognition by Gender Dear Levy, Gender equality is a hot button issue in workplaces across the country. Should we be concerned about our recognition program? Do male and female employees need different types of recognitio... Ask Levy Company Culture Employee Recognition Recognition Programs Sep 18, 2018
Measuring Impact Dear Levy, We recently implemented an Employee Recognition Program in our workplace. How should I measure the impact of the program? Are their any tools or key metrics you would recommend that I use? ... Ask Levy Employee Recognition Recognition Programs Sep 10, 2018
No Appreciation Dear Levy, I’m weighing out the pros and cons of an employee recognition program. Are there pros to not having a recognition program? What happens when an employee is never appreciated in his work env... Ask Levy Employee Appreciation Employee Recognition Sep 4, 2018
Meaningful Initiatives Dear Levy, I want to create an engaged workforce that finds meaning in the work they are doing. What is the single most meaningful initiative that can be taken in order to improve employee engagement?... Ask Levy Company Culture Aug 28, 2018
I Want to Make the Office Fun Dear Levy, I’ve been reading a lot about keeping employees engaged and happy. I want to start having more fun in the workplace. How do I create a fun office environment without losing productivity? --... Ask Levy Employee Engagement Aug 24, 2018
My Employee Doesn't Have Drive Dear Levy, How would you deal with an employee who's doing just enough, if said employee doesn't seem to have the drive/interest to want to do more? --Motivation Needed Dear Motivation, It can be a to... Ask Levy Employee Engagement Aug 17, 2018